Planning photoshoots are a pain.
If you are someone who books photographers for your brand, or a photographer yourself, you are going to want to read this.
After almost 16 years of being a professional photographer, I have perfected the art of the creative call––those friendly, early conversations that set a shoot in motion.
Start Storyboarding Your Photoshoots.
#2 Time and resource management: By storyboarding, you can identify the props, lighting, location, and equipment you need beforehand, which saves you time and money. You can also allocate resources more efficiently as you will know what shots to prioritize.
A Step By Step Guide To Product Photography for eCommerce.
The importance of high-quality product images cannot be overstated. A well-executed product photo can make all the difference in attracting and converting potential customers. Here are some best practices for product photography that can help you achieve stunning results.
Why Are Lifestyle Photoshoots So Expensive?
The most underrated piece of any photo shoot but make up at least half the reason why a lifestyle photoshoot will succeed.
If you skip a…
How To Shoot With Natural Light - 5 Must Have Items.
The more you understand lighting, the less you use it.
5 lighting items I have with me on every location photoshoot.
Lifestyle vs. Editorial Photography.
I write a lot about the 'Why' behind brand photography and the science behind it.
Here, however, I want to discuss the 'How.'
I want to take a moment to help you find the right approach for your next brand photoshoot.
What Are Run & Gun Photoshoots?
All run-and-gun photoshoots have one thing in common––a scarcity of resources. The scarcity of money, time, support personnel, etc., are all legitimate reasons for a scrappy shoot.
The trick is in knowing how to do it right.
The Role of Photography in Brand Storytelling
Examples Of Successful Brand Photography
Below are examples of excellent brand photography. Take a look and try to notice subtle shifts in an emotional response from one set of images to the next.
DIY Headshot Photography Guide. 10 Easy Tips.
If all you have is a smartphone, that's pretty great. Chances are it's better than professional DSLRs were five years ago.
Here are ten guidelines from the pros for D.I.Y. headshots at home.
Email etiquette for freelancers- Four tips
4 min read.
#4 Much ado about ghosting.
This is a big one.
Just like dating, it happens. And just like dating, never take it personally. I know it's tough, especially when a dream project evaporates. Please remember it happens to the best of us and will continue to happen.
What Freelancing Photographers Should Know About Triple Bidding.
5 min read.
Do be honest about your chances. 1 in 3 is not great odds. How can you gain an advantage to tip the scales?
1- Submit your proposal on time. To do this, set twice as much time aside as you think you need to complete it.
Photo (pho.toe) • Latin: Light
Sophic (säfik) • Latin: Wisdom
Photosophic • Light Wisdom